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devin poggers

A member registered Jan 12, 2021

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move all files in the game folder to the desktop. thats what i mean. assets, manifest, funkin, lime.ndll, all of em

click download and then "No thanks, just take me to the downloads"

all of the files

go into any song, press 7 and then click on Song. type Monster in the text box, click Reload Audio/JSON, then press enter.

only if u bring the rest of the game files onto your desktop as well

i see. are you starting the game in its directory? if you're starting directly from the desktop open the game folder and start it there.

what version did you download? if you downloaded the 64-bit version on a 32-bit device, download the 32-bit version and try again

because flash is unsupported. you should use HTML5 or just download the game to your device.

why would you use the flash version??

the girlfriend and other characters aside from the boyfriend are controlled by the game.

different versions are compiled at different times, just keep an eye out for new releases